birthday cake 4 u!!!pilih jer nk yg mne..sowi x dpt nk bgi yg real punyer,cume dpt bgi yg digital nyer jer..huhuhu..pejam celik 2x,kamu da poun masuk 18th..heeee..cepatnyew mse brlalu kn..sowi r xdpt nk bgi msg..xdop kedit nk bgi..hahahaha..bukan kedekut erk...I want to wish happy birthday to u..n semoge panjang umur n berjaye di dunia n akhirat n dapat mencapai apa yg dihajati..
xdapt nk bgi hadiah..huhuhu..this vid is for u
this is 4 all my friends..
true friends are never apart,
maybe in distance,
but not in heart...
4 all my friends..this girl's generation song-my bestfriend are 4 u
saye mintak maaf jika ade yg berase hati sepanjang kite berkwn so sorry
please forgive me...