mesti ader yg trpikir kn ape kes gmbar nie ngan title kt atas erk!!!...hehe..sbenarnye nie r gmbaran yg trpapar lam mimpi aku..sbenarnye prsekitaran lagi cntik tau coz bkan wrne2 cm ginie..wrne yg trbentuk bwh awn tu adlah wrne2 pelangi....n dua org lidi tu sbenarnye aku n .... .
back to the basic..sbnarnye aku trpikir sal nak wat nasi tomato..hehe..tpi aku mlas nk bli ingredient yer ar...satu lagi sbb aku poun tak tau rse yer cam ner n aku tkut klau aku buat nanti xde org makn r...mesti sedihkn...
i like this song because this song it has spirit to freedom
k'naan-wavin flag
Wavin' Flag lyrics
When i get older, they'll call me freedom
Just like a Waving Flag.
When I get older, I will be stronger,
They'll call me freedom, just like a Waving Flag,
And then it goes back, and then it goes back,
And then it goes back
Born to a throne, stronger than Rome
but Violent prone, poor people zone,
But it's my home, all I have known,
Where I got grown, streets we would roam.
But out of the darkness, I came the farthest,
Among the hardest survival.
Learn from these streets, it can be bleak,
Except no defeat, surrender retreat,
So we struggling, fighting to eat and
We wondering when we'll be free,
So we patiently wait, for that fateful day,
It's not far away, so for now we say
So many wars, settling scores,
Bringing us promises, leaving us poor,
I heard them say, love is the way,
Love is the answer, that's what they say,
But look how they treat us, Make us believers,
We fight their battles, then they deceive us,
Try to control us, they couldn't hold us,
Cause we just move forward like Buffalo Soldiers.
But we struggling, fighting to eat,
And we wondering, when we'll be free
So we patiently wait, for that faithful day,
It's not far away, but for now we say,
[Chorus] 2x
(Ohhhh Ohhhh Ohhhhh Ohhhh)
And everybody will be singing it
(Ohhhh Ohhhh Ohhhhh Ohhhh)
And you and I will be singing it
(Ohhhh Ohhhh Ohhhhh Ohhhh)
And we all will be singing it
(Ohhh Ohh Ohh Ohh)
[Chorus] 2x
When I get older, when I get older
I will be stronger, just like a Waving Flag,
Just like a Waving Flag, just like a Waving flag
Flag, flag, Just like a Waving Flag
Today was a fairy tale
You were the prince
I used to be a damsel in distress
You took me by the hand
And you picked me up at six
Today was a fairy tale
Today was a fairy tale
Today was a fairy tale
I wore a dress
You wore a dark gray t-shirt
You told me I was pretty when I looked like a mess
Today was a fairy tale
Time slows down
Whenever you're around
Can you feel this Magic in the air?
It must've been the way you kissEd me
Fell in love when I saw you standin' there
It must've been the way
Today was a fairy tale
It must've been the way
Today was a fairy tale
Today was a fairy tale
You've got a smile
That takes me to another planet
Every move you make
Every thing you say is right
Today was a fairy tale
Today was a fairy tale
All that I could say is now it's Getting so much clearer
Nothing made sense til the time I saw your face
Today was a fairy tale
Time slows down
Whenever you're around-Yeah
Can you feel this magic in the air?
It must've been the way you kissed me
Fell in love when I saw you standin' there
It must've been the way
Today was a fairy tale
It must've been the way
Today was a fairy tale
Time slows down
Whenever you're around
I can feel my heart
It's beating in my chest
Did you feel it
I can't put this down
Can you feel this magic in the air?
It must've been the way you kissed me
Fell in love when I saw you standin' there
It must've been the way
Can you feel this magic in the air?
It must've been the way you kissed me
Fell in love when I saw you standin' there
It must've been the way
Today was a fairy tale
It must've been the way
Today was a fairy tale
seumur hidup aku ni r first time aku men bowling tau...dulu aku trtanye2 berat sngt ke bola bowling tu...n then finally kmusykilan aku trjawap..bola bowling nie ade berat,ringan n sderhane..first aku wat smuanye msuk longkang tau..kcian kat aku (T_T)..tpi aku brusaha jgak then boleh lah...ade r ckit kene btg2 die tue...happy giler ar time tu..after a few minute,,i have some problem.'senggugut'..trpakse bhenti men n pass kt adik aku;abang...pndai jugk adik2 ak men..lepas habis,aku bnyak skali skor tu poun sbb ayah ak poun join gak..hehe..kirenye 1 keluarge r nie...aku xkan lupekn pengalamn nie tau..lepas tu aku poun bli rotiboy..trbest r roti 2.ptutlah roti laris smpai ke luar korea,singapore..time aku nk balik lak,ade kmalangan brlaku..mangsenye mati mse accident tu..time aku lalu tue,ade lagi myt si mangse tu..takut sngat..smpaikan kmi semua trkatup senyap..
nie sal len lak..nmpaknye group korea u-kiss akn dtng ke malaysia kn..bestnye klu ade kt kl..mesti jumpe dieorang..huhu..
aku wat tjuk ni coz skarang nie serate dunIA tgh hot sal bola kn...aku poun trmasuk gak ar..hehe..sPanjang aku tgk bola kAn,aku Tabik aR kt pasUkan aRgentina n Nigeria...Coz Dieorang main best n x nmpak langsung ksombongan between 2 group tue..ke2 group tu poun sling tlg-mnolong...hehe..ikut mate ksr aku la..lala..tpi aku grm ngat tgk smalam(eng vs usa)coz usa look like sombong jer...
ak amik tajuk nie coz nie mmg holiday bgi bebudak skool cam ak..tpi even aku holiday but byk ngat homework aku wat..nie kes dere bebudak nie..hehe..nie maybe sbb ak punye trial spm da dkt so cikgu poun bgilah keje skool yg brtambun nie kt kiteorang..tpi ak x taulah boleh ciapkn sume nie..doa2kan r aku leh wat belake sume nie
aku ambil tajuk nie coz skang nie misi untuk ke Gaza maybe dihentikan atas tindakan kejam pihak Israel kepada pasukan keamanan..memang betul2 jahat r dieorg ni smpaikan team aktivis poun dieorang nk bedal...tpi kalau org yg pegi tu kene tembak maybe die akn dkire mati syahid erk...mati syahid kn impian semua umat Islam trmasuk marlah kite umat islam mendoakan sgala bntuan dpat smpai ke Gaza dengan selamt..yep..(^.^)